Galaksi Kuno Dalam Penglihatan Hubble

Para astronom baru saja mendapat sebuah hadiah lain dari alam semesta. Kilasan galaksi yang pernah ada tak kurang dari 500-600 juta tahun setelah Dentuman Besar, 13 milyar tahun lalu.
Kilasan galaksi-galaksi itu berhasil dilihat dan dipotret Teleskop Hubble pada panjang gelombang dekat infra merah dengan matanya yang baru yakni Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) atau kamera medan luas 3 yang baru saja dipasang pada bulan Mei.
Pada panjang gelombang dekat infra merah, dapat dilakukan pendeteksian galaksi jauh. Galaksi jauh tersebut cahayanya terulur lebih panjang atau lebih merah dibanding cahaya tampak. Semakin jauh sebuah obyek, cahayanya akan semakin bergeser ke arah merah dan semakin tinggi pergeseran merahnya. Galaksi tersebut merupakan obyek paling lemah dan merah yang berhasil diamati. Tak pernah ada galaksi lain yang berhasil diketahui keberadaannya pada masa awal alam semesta.

Citra awal galaksi-galaksi tersebut pertama kali dipotret pada tahun 2004 di area yang sama menggunakan Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF). Citra berikut yang diambil dan menghasilkan penemuan galaksi tua ini dilakukan Hubble pada bulan Agustus 2009 selama 4 hari dengan waktu eksposur 173000 detik.
Setelah citra diambil oleh Hubble, para astronom melakukan analisa data potongan area langit yang ukuranya 1/12 diameter bulan purnama. Para astronom ini mencoba mencari galaksi kuno yang diharapkan dapat membuka wawasan manusia akan evolusi alam semesta. Sampai saat ini, ledakan sinar gamma dengan pergeseran merah 8,2 yang memegang rekor terjauh.
Dari penelitian data yang diambil Hubble, Garth Illingworth dari University of California, Santa Cruz berhasil menemukan bukti lain dari keberadaan 3 galaksi yang pergeseran merahnya 10. Galaksi-galaksi tersebut diperkirakan keberadaannya pada saat alam semesta masih sangat muda, pada kisaran 3-4 % dari usia alam semesta saat ini. Dengan demikian bisa dikatakan galaksi-galaksi ini merupakan obyek tertua yang pernah diamati.

Penemuan Galaksi Tua dan Perdebatannya
Tapi, ternyata ketiga galaksi dengan pergeseran merah 10 bukanlah yang pertama. Rogier Windhorst dari Arizona State University di Tempe juga melaporkan keberadaan 20 galaksi dengan pergeseran merah mendekati 10. Hasil tersebut juga didapat setelah melakukan analisa dari data set yang sama. Tapi ke-20 galaksi tersebut tidak memperhitungkan keberadaan 3 galaksi yang ditemukan Illingworth.
Ke-20 galaksi dengan pergeseran merah mendekati 10 yang ditemukan pada area pengamatan yang cukup sempit justru menandakan laju pembentukan bintang yang tinggi seperti yang memang sudah diprediksikan terjadi demikian pada masa awal alam semesta.
Kedua tim ini kemudian saling berdebat mengenai standar yang digunakan dalam penentuan galaksi jauh. Bagi Illingworth standar yang digunakan Windhorst tidak terlalu ketat, sementara bagi Windhorst standar yang digunakan Illingworth terlalu konservatif.
Standar yang digunakan Illingworth jika dipadankan dengan standar Windhorst, maka 2 dari 3 galaksi yang ditemukan Illingworth tidak masuk dalam kriteria pergeseran merah tinggi milik Windhorst. Sementara menurut Illingworth standar Windhorst justru menyebabkan galaksi yang ditemukan Windhorst jadi agak besar dan tampaknya hasil penelitian mereka jadi terkontaminasi oleh galaksi terang lainnya. Akibatnya ada kemungkinan standar tersebut menyebabkan piranti lunak yang digunakan menganggap galaksi-galaksi tersebut memiliki pergeseran merah yang besar dan mendeteksi sekian banyak galaksi.
Perdebatan kedua tim memang menarik, namun seorang astronom dari California Institute of Technology di Pasadena, Richard Ellis justru menyatakan kalau tim Illingworth tampaknya telah melakukan analisa yang lebih berhati-hati dibanding Windhorst. Pada tahun 2007, Richard Ellis juga melaporkan keberadaan kandidat galaksi dengan pergeseran merah 8 dan 10 yang ia amati dengan teleskop Keck di Hawaii.

Secercah Cahaya
Kurangnya galaksi cerlang pada pergeseran merah 10 justru memberi petunjuk akan adanya epoch reionisasi di alam semesta. Periode reionisasi di alam semesta terjadi pada masa 500 juta dan 1 milyar tahun setelah terjadinya dentuman besar. Pada masa ini obyek yang sangat cerlang seperti halnya galaksi dan quasar mengionisasi medium antar galaksi. Kurangnya galaksi cerlang pada awal waktu periode reionisasi menunjukkan kalau obyek-obyek tersebut tidak memulai proses reionisasi.
Semua hal tersebut memang belum tersingkap. Masih banyak misteri yang tersimpan dan masih banyak pertanyaan yang masih belum terjawab. Dan manusia masih perlu perjalanan panjang untuk bisa memahami kondisi dan parameter yang ada di alam semesta, serta memahami galaksi-galaksi yang ada di dalamnya. Dalam pemahaman itulah sains akan dapat mengungkap satu persatu pertanyaan yang masih belum terjawab itu.?
Pengamatan lanjutan akan dilakukan oleh pengganti Hubble, James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) yang akan diluncurkan tahun 2014.

Sumber : Hubblesite, Nature
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first love-utada hikaru (eng version)

Once in a while
You are in my mind
I think about the days that we had
And i dream that these would all come back to me
If only you knew every moment in time
Nothing goes on in my heart
Just like your memories
How I want here to be with you
Once more

You will always gonna be the one
And you should know
How I wish I could have never let you go
Come into my life again
Oh, don't say no
You will always gonna be the one in my life
So true, I believe i can never find
Somebody like you
my first love

Once in awhile
Your are in my dreams
I can feel the warmth of your embrace
And I pray that it will all come back to me
If only you knew every moment in time
Nothing goes on in my heart
Just like your memories
And how I want here to be with you
Once more
yah yah yah

You will always be inside my heart
And you should know
How I wish I could have never let you go
Come into my life again
Please don't say no
Now and forever you are still the one
In my heart
So true, I believe I could never find
Somebody like you
My first love
oh oh

You will always gonna be the one
And you should know
How I wish I could have never let you go
Come into my life again
Oh, don't say no
You will always gonna be the one
So true, I believe I could never find
Now and forever
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tugas softskill bhs inggris 1

Business English
( taken from MAKET LEADER)


A. List some of your favourite brands. Then answer these questions.

1. Are they International or national brands? They are International Brands
2. What image and qualities does each one have? Use the following words and phrases to help you? Image and qualities of each brands is cool and durable
3. Why do people buy brands? Because brands goods have high quality
4. Why do you think some people dislikes brands? Because the brands is not reliable
5. How loyal are you to the brands you have chosen? I will loyal if product of the
brands is well - made and have top of range
For example, when you buy jean, do you always buy Levi’s

B. A recent survey named the brands below as the world’s top ten. Which do you think is number one? Rank the others in order.

The answer :
1. Generel Electric
2. Microsoft
3. Coca – cola
4. Marlboro
5. IBM
6. Mc Donald’s
7. Nokia
8. Disney
9. Intel
10. Mercedes
** From Rank of global Brands

Brand Management
A. Match these word partnerships to their meanings.


1. Loyalty [ J ] a. the name given to a product by the company that makes it.
2. Image [ C ] b. using an existing name on another type of product
3. stretching [ B ] c. the ideas and beliefs people have about a brand
4. awareness [ E ] d. the tendency to always buy a particular brand
5. name [ A ] e. how familiar people are with a brand
6. launch [ I ] f. the set of products made by a company
7. lifecycle [ D ] g. the use of a well-known person to advertise products
8. range [ F ] h. When products are used in films or TV programs
9. placement [ H ] i. The introduction of a product to the market
10. endorsement [ G ] j. the length of time people continue to buy a product

B. Complete these sentences with word partnerships from exercise A

1. the creation of Virgin Cola, Virgin Air, Virgin Rail and Virgin bride is an example of … brand stretching …
2. Consumers who always buy Levi’s when they need a new pair of jeans are showing …Brand awareness…
3. not enough people recognize our logo; we need to spent a lot more on raising …. Brand Image….


1. David Beckham advertising Vodafone is an example of … product endorsement..
2. A …Product launch ... consists of introduction, growth , maturity and decline.
3. the use of BMW cars and Nokia phones in James Bond films are examples of … Product placement…

C. Make sentences of your own using the word partnerships in Exercise A.

1. I'll loyalty using nestle products for safe and hygienic
2. we must keep the image of our products very well, therefore, serve customers well
3. give the costumers discount and sample can be use to stretching the product
4. awareness people to buy original product will help goverment
5. not a few more people who have choose products are already well-known names
6. I have to prepare an electronic product launching
7. Many people livecycle one product if they believe that product
8. using well-known artist for his advertising will increase range of people to buy it
9. good advertising placement will attract customers
10. more and more endorsements from well-known artists will attract many customers
Outsourcing Production

A. Why do some companies make luxury products abroad rather than at home? Because they trust about the quality for the products

B. Read the article and answer these questions.
1. Which brands are mentioned? Do you know which country each is from? Burberry (Italy), Coach (US), Prada (Italy), Gucci (Italy)
2. Which companies make all of their products in their own country? Prada makes all of their products in their own country

Made in Europe
By Jo Johnson, Fred Kapner and Richard McGregor

Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already manufacturing in Asia or thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, is a classis example. Over the past five years, it has lifted all its gross margins by manufacturing solely in low-cost markets. In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products.
Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements. In 2000 it decided to renew Sanyo’s Japanese licence for 20 ten years. This means that almost half of Burberry’s sales at retail value will continue to be produced under licence in Asia. At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the group’s European-made products.
Sanyo is now creating to this demand for a snob alternative to the Burberry products made in its factories across Asia by opening a flagship store in Tokyo’s Ginza, where it sells Burberry products imported from Europe.
In interviews with the FT, many executives says the top luxury brands will continue to be seen, particularly in Asia, as European. Domenico De Sole of Gucci says “ The Asian Consumer really dos believe – whether it’s true or not – that luxury comes from Europe and must be made there to be the best.’
Serge Weinberg, Chief Executive of Pinault Printemps Redoute, which controls Gucci, says it will not move Gucci’s production of shore. Yet some in the industry recognize that change may be round the corner even for the superluxury brands. Patrizio Bertelli, Chief Executive of Prada, says:’ The “Made in Italy” label is important but what we are really offering is a style, and style is an expression of culture.’ He therefore recognizes that quality fashion items may not always need to be produced in italy.
Amitava Chattopadhyay, professor of marketing at Insead, the business school, says:’ A brand is a set of associations in the mind of the consumer and one of these is the country of origin. . For luxury goods, the role of the brand is crucial. To damage it is a cardinal sin and no brand manager will want to get the balance between manufacturing location and the brand image wrong’.

From the Financial Times

World Business Newspaper

C Which of these statements are true? Correct the false ones.

1. Coach has no longer factory in Puerto Rico. [true]
2. Coach, like many other companies, is outsourcing its product to reduce costs. [true]
3. Some Japanese people choose to buy Burberry products made in Europe rather than in Japan. [true]
4. Sanyo’s store in Tokyo sells Burberry’s product made in Asia. [false]
5. According to Domenico De Solle, the best luxury products are made in Japan. [false]
6. Gucci is planning to outsource some of its products. [false]
7. Partizio Bertelli believes that luxury fashion products should always be made in Europe [false]
8. Amitava chattopadhyay says that companies need to pay careful attention to where they manufacture their products. [true]

C. Choose the best summary of the article.

a. Most manufacturers of luxury brands do not wish to produce their goods in low-cost countries because their believe that it will damage their brand image.
b. Most manufacturers of top brands now produce their goods in low cost countries. Consumers no longer care about where the products are manufactured.
c. Asian consumers think that European luxury goods are of high quality. The current trend of making such goods in Asia could damage the reputation of these luxury brands.

Language Review
Present simple and present continuous.

The Present simple and Present continuous have several uses.
• We use the present simple to give factual information, for example about company activities.
Coach outsources all its products.
Does Burberry outsource its products?
• We use the present simple to talk about routine activities or habits.
I always buy Armani suits. Do you usually buy designer brands?
• We use the present continuous to talk about ongoing situations and projects.
Sanyo is now reacting to this demand.
• We use present contiuous to talk about temporary situations.
We are testing a new brand at the moment.

A. Which of the time expressions below do we usually use with the present simple? Always, as a rule, generally, normally, usually, often, never, regularly, sometimes,
seldom, nowadays, when, frequently, every day, now and then, etc
B. Which of the time expressions do we usually use with the present continuous? Now, today, right now, at present, tonight, tomorrow, this afternoon, soon, in a few
days, this morning, etc
Which are used with both?

Usually [Simple present tense]
this year [Simple present continuous tense]
every day [Simple present tense]
now [Simple present continuous tense]
Often [Simple present tense]
Nowadays [Simple present tense and Simple present continuous tense]
once a month [Simple present tense]
Currently [Simple present continuous tense]
at the moment [Simple present continuous tense]
these days [Simple present continuous tense]

C. Complete these sentences with the present simple or the present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

1.a. This year we trying (try) to develop a brand with personality.
b. We usually develop (develop) brands that say something.
2. a. Powerful brand names create (create) strong costumer loyalty.
b. At the moment we looking (look) for a new brand name that suggests something about the product’s benefits and qualities.
3. a. L’Oreal sells (sell) cosmetics and toiletries to customers around the world.
b. This year L’Oreal investing (invest) over 180£m in R & D.
4. a. The marketing department always keep (keep) within its budget.
b. Because the company made a loss last year, the marketing department try (try) to reduce costs.

D. Complete the text below with the present simple or present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

At the moment I working (work) for a cosmetics company. We offer a full range of cosmetic products and sell (sell) cosmetics and toiletries around the world. Our main cosmetics brand dominate (dominate) the French market and it doing (do) well in the rest of Europe at the moment, too. In fact, the brand become (become) more and more popular throughout the world and our market share grow (grow) everyday.
We usually develop (develop) and extend (extend) productsunder our existing brand name. The brand is distinctive and stands (stand) out from the competition. However, this year we creating (create) a completely new brand of cosmetics.

Two Promotions

A.Work in pairs. Student A reads case 1 and answers the questions. Student B read Case 2 and answer the questions.

Case 1 : Harley Davidson.

In 2003 the Harley Davidson brand was 100 years old. Although its brand image is based on the spirit of wild and rebellious youth such as Marlon Brando in the film The Wild One (1954), the typical consumer is very different. They are likely to be rich, middle-aged accountants trying to recapture their youth. The average age of Harley Davidson customers is 46 compared with 36 for the rest of the motorbike industry. At the party to celebrate the centenary, the surprise performance was actually Elton John, rather than the Rolling Stones who many people had expected. This caused many of the 150,000 riders and dealers to leave the event very unhappy. Although sales and earnings for Harley Davidson have been increasing for the past 18 years, many people see the trouble on the road ahead. The problem is Harley Davidson’s typical customers from the baby –boom generation (1946 – 1964) and, as these customers get older, Harley Davidson may find its market shrinking.

1. What is the brand image of Harley Davidson? Brand image is based on the spirit of wild and rebellious youth such as Marlon Brando in the film The Wild One (1954)
2. Why were many people unhappy about the music at the party? Because, At the party to celebrate the centenary, the surprise performance was actually Elton John, rather than the Rolling Stones who many people had expected.
3. What problem could have Harley Davidson have in the future? The problem is Harley Davidson’s typical customers from the baby –boom generation (1946 – 1964) and, as these customers get older
4. What can Harley Davidson fo to preserve it sales? Should it change its brand image? Should it look for a new market segments? Should it stretch its brand? My opinion is Harley Davidson should look for a new market segment

Case 2 : JCB

JCB is a world-famous engineering company. It was founded in 1945 by Joseph Cyril Bamford. He began his business working alone in a small garage. JCB makes construction and agricultural equipment such as tractors, earth-moving vehicles, and loading machines. Now its world headquarters in England is one of the finest engineering factories in Europe. The company produces over 130 different models on four different continents and sells a full range of equipment in over 150 countries. It is truly a global brand.
JCB’s research showed that its customers associated with the company with the following brand values :’yellow,’digger’, and ‘durable’. Adult saw the brand and being functional. Children, on the other hand, saw the brand as ‘big’, ‘muddy’ and ‘fun’. JCB made a decision to stretch its brand.

1. Where does the name JCB come from? JCB come from the name of Joseph Cyril Bamford. He is founded a world-famous engineering company(JCB)
2. What was surprising about JCB’s customer research? JCB’s research showed that its customers associated with the company with the following brand values :’yellow,’digger’, and ‘durable’
3. What sort of products do you think JCB developed as a result of its research? JCB makes construction and agricultural equipment such as tractors, earth-moving vehicles, and loading machines.
4. Can you think of a similar example of brand-stretching in your country?

Useful Language

Asking for opinions Agreeing Making suggestions
How do you feel about…..? That’s true I think we should….
What do you think? I agree How about… ?
What’s your opinion? Absolutely / exactly Why don’t we … ?
What’s your view? I think so too. Perhaps we could….

Giving opinions Disagreeing
I think……./ I don’t think ……… I see / know what you mean, but….
In my opinion……. I’m afraid I can’t agree
Maybe, but…


A. Answer these questions individually. Then compare your answers with a partner.

1. How often do you travel by air, road and sea? I often travel by the road.
2. What do you enjoy about traveling? What don’t you enjoy? I enjoy my travelling because I will know a lot of new place, so I have new experience from my travelling. I don’t enjoy my travelling because I had a worst experience from some place i trip before
3. Put the following in order of importance to you when you travel?

Comfort safety price reliability speed
a. safety
b. comtort
c. price
d. realibility
e. speed

4. Does the order change for different types of travel? Yes, It does

B. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the following list of things which irritate people when flying.

Seats trolleys queues luggage
Room cancellations food jet

1. Not enough leg trolleys
2. lost or delayed seats
3. long queues at check in
4. poor quality foad and drink
5. no baggage room available.
6. overbooking of luaggage
7. flight delays and cancellations
8. jet -lag

British and American English

A. Match the words and phrases below which have the same meaning. For each pair decide which is British English and which is American English.

1. subway a. motorway [ 6 ]
2. city centre b. lift [ 8 ]
3. carry-on baggage c. public toilet [ 7 ]
4. one way d. schedule [ 10 ]
5. return e. economy class.[ 9 ]
6. freeway f. single [ 4 ]
7. rest room g. parking lot [ 11 ]
8. elevator h. underground [ 1 ]
9. coach class i. hand luggage [ 3 ]
10. timetable j. round trip [ 5 ]
11. car park k. downtown.[ 2 ]

B.Work in pairs. Use words or phrases in American English from exercise A to complete the text below.

My last overseas business trip was a nightmare from start to finish. First of all there was a delay on the way to the airport as there was an accident on the motorway When I got there I found the lower level of the airport underground was flooded. Next my hand luggage. was closed and there were no cabs at all. After long time trying to read the schedule and waiting for forty minutes, we finally got a bus economy class and found the hotel, but the lift wasn’t working and our rooms were on the fifth floor.

Air Rage

A. Answer these questions before you read the article.
1, What was your worst experience when traveling by air? I don’t worst experience when travelling by air, because I have never travelling by air
2. Why do some people get angry when they are traveling on a plane? Because the flight
often was a delay, a cancellations, and service from the flight company not satisfy

Road ragers in the sky
By Derek Brown

Airlines and their long-suffering customers are reporting a steep climb in air rage incidents. Some incidents are apparently caused by problems which are familiar to many regular travellers. One case reported from America stemmed from an interminable delay in takeoff, when passangers were cooped up in their aircraft on the tarmac or our hours, without food, drink or information. Mass unrest is less common the individual misbehaviour, as in the case of the convict who recently went crazy on a flight, attacked the crew and tried to open the door in mind flight.
The psychology of air rage is a new are o study, and there are almost as many explanations as examples. Most analysis of the phenomenon blame alcohol, but many people now think that the airlines are at fault. To cut costs, they are cramming ever more passangers into their aircraft, while reducing cabin crew, training, and quality of service, all o which increase passenger frustration. In addition, there are increasing concern in the US about another cost-cutting exercise, which could seriously harm passengers’ health: cabin ventilation.
I. Modern aircraft are equipped with sophisticated air conditioning devices – but running them at.optimum capacity burns up valuable aviation fuel. Many airlines routinely instruct their flight crews to run the systems on minimum settings. Champaignes for improved air quality claim that this can lead to irritability and disorientation.
In the US, the soaring number of passenger complaints across a wide range of issues is reflected in a number of new internet sites which criticize the airline and demand better service. One of the sites is demanding an air passengers’ Bill of Rights.
Cabin and flight crews, who are in the front line of the battle against disruptive and dangerous in-flight behaviour, have called for stiffer penalties against the offenders. Management have also called or legislation – while denying that its cost-cutting practices have contributed to the problem. But there are some signs, in the US at least, that the airlines are at last attempting to respond to customer dissatisfaction. Some major lines have announced concessions to the most frequent complaint for all, and are removing seats to make more room for their customers.

1 A.I’m really sorry,I can’t take you to the station .Something has just come up
B.Oh,don’t worry,I will take (take) a taxi

2 A.We’ve chosen a name four new low-cost airline
B.Really,What will you call (you/call) it?

3 A.Have you decided how to increase the number of passengers?
B.Yes,we going to offer (offer) a family discount at weekends.

4 A.I can’t send an e-mail to the travel agent;my computer’s just crashe
B.Write down your details and I will fax (fax) them over for you.
5 A.How’s your daughter?
B.She’s fine.She going to learn (learn) to be a pilot for the flying doctor service next


1.His flight arrives at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.
2.We’re staying at the Hilton Hotel for next month’s sales conference.
3.The next seminar is begins at 3 p.m
4.I am travelling by train from Paris to London next time.
5.The boat is departs at midday so you have the whole morning to get ready.
6.The delegation from China are seeing the Chairman the following Monday


1.I’m sorry,I can’t attend the sales meeting tomorrow, iam going to go chek my teeth.
2.The marketing department have decided on their travel plans for the next month, they are going to go to the beach.
3.The trains are delayed because of bad weather,so Iam going to the restaurant near the station to eat
4.Don’t worry if you can’t drive me to airport, I will use the taxi.
5.I’ve got the details of your flight to Turkey,I will get the detail
6.Oh,no!There’s been an accident and the traffic is very crowded
Continue >>>

Business English

( taken from MAKET LEADER)



Value for money luxurious timeless well-made
top of the range durable inexpensive cool

Reliable stylish fashionable sexy

  1. List some of your favourite brands. Then answer these questions.

  1. Are they International or national brands? They are International Brands
  2. What image and qualities does each one have? Use the following words and phrases to help you? Image and qualities of each brands is cool and durable

3. Why do people buy brands? Because brands goods have high quality

4. Why do you think some people dislikes brands? Because the brands is not reliable

5. How loyal are you to the brands you have chosen? I will loyal if product of the

brands is well - made and have top of range

For example, when you buy jean, do you always buy Levi’s

  1. A recent survey named the brands below as the world’s top ten. Which do you think is number one? Rank the others in order.

Marlboro Nokia Mercedes General Electric Intel

IBM Microsoft Coca – cola Mc Donald’s Disney

The answer :

  1. Generel Electric
  2. Microsoft
  3. Coca – cola
  4. Marlboro
  5. IBM
  6. Mc Donald’s
  7. Nokia
  8. Disney
  9. Intel
  10. Mercedes

** From Rank of global Brands


Brand Management

  1. Match these word partnerships to their meanings.







1. Loyalty [ J ]

a. the name given to a product by the company that makes it.

2. Image [ C ]

b. using an existing name on another type of product

3. stretching [ B ]

c. the ideas and beliefs people have about a brand

4. awareness [ E ]

d. the tendency to always buy a particular brand

5. name [ A ]

e. how familiar people are with a brand

6. launch [ I ]

f. the set of products made by a company

7. lifecycle [ D ]

g. the use of a well-known person to advertise products

8. range [ F ]

h. When products are used in films or TV programs

9. placement [ H ]

i. The introduction of a product to the market

10. endorsement [ G ]

j. the length of time people continue to buy a product

  1. Complete these sentences with word partnerships from exercise A


  1. the creation of Virgin Cola, Virgin Air, Virgin Rail and Virgin bride is an example of … brand stretching …
  2. Consumers who always buy Levi’s when they need a new pair of jeans are showing Brand awareness
  3. not enough people recognize our logo; we need to spent a lot more on raising …. Brand Image….


  1. David Beckham advertising Vodafone is an example of … product endorsement..
  2. A Product launch ... consists of introduction, growth , maturity and decline.
  3. the use of BMW cars and Nokia phones in James Bond films are examples of Product placement

  1. Make sentences of your own using the word partnerships in Exercise A.

  1. I'll loyalty using nestle products for safe and hygienic
  2. we must keep the image of our products very well, therefore, serve customers well
  3. give the costumers discount and sample can be use to stretching the product
  4. awareness people to buy original product will help goverment
  5. not a few more people who have choose products are already well-known names
  6. I have to prepare an electronic product launching
  7. Many people livecycle one product if they believe that product
  8. using well-known artist for his advertising will increase range of people to buy it
  9. good advertising placement will attract customers
  10. more and more endorsements from well-known artists will attract many customers


Outsourcing Production

  1. Why do some companies make luxury products abroad rather than at home? Because they trust about the quality for the products

  1. Read the article and answer these questions.
    1. Which brands are mentioned? Do you know which country each is from? Burberry (Italy), Coach (US), Prada (Italy), Gucci (Italy)
    2. Which companies make all of their products in their own country? Prada makes all of their products in their own country

Made in Europe

By Jo Johnson, Fred Kapner and Richard McGregor

Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already manufacturing in Asia or thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, is a classis example. Over the past five years, it has lifted all its gross margins by manufacturing solely in low-cost markets. In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products.

Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements. In 2000 it decided to renew Sanyo’s Japanese licence for 20 ten years. This means that almost half of Burberry’s sales at retail value will continue to be produced under licence in Asia. At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the group’s European-made products.

Sanyo is now creating to this demand for a snob alternative to the Burberry products made in its factories across Asia by opening a flagship store in Tokyo’s Ginza, where it sells Burberry products imported from Europe.

In interviews with the FT, many executives says the top luxury brands will continue to be seen, particularly in Asia, as European. Domenico De Sole of Gucci says “ The Asian Consumer really dos believe – whether it’s true or not – that luxury comes from Europe and must be made there to be the best.’

Serge Weinberg, Chief Executive of Pinault Printemps Redoute, which controls Gucci, says it will not move Gucci’s production of shore. Yet some in the industry recognize that change may be round the corner even for the superluxury brands. Patrizio Bertelli, Chief Executive of Prada, says:’ The “Made in Italy” label is important but what we are really offering is a style, and style is an expression of culture.’ He therefore recognizes that quality fashion items may not always need to be produced in italy.

Amitava Chattopadhyay, professor of marketing at Insead, the business school, says:’ A brand is a set of associations in the mind of the consumer and one of these is the country of origin. . For luxury goods, the role of the brand is crucial. To damage it is a cardinal sin and no brand manager will want to get the balance between manufacturing location and the brand image wrong’.

From the Financial Times


World Business Newspaper

C Which of these statements are true? Correct the false ones.

  1. Coach has no longer factory in Puerto Rico. [true]
  2. Coach, like many other companies, is outsourcing its product to reduce costs. [true]
  3. Some Japanese people choose to buy Burberry products made in Europe rather than in Japan. [true]
  4. Sanyo’s store in Tokyo sells Burberry’s product made in Asia. [false]
  5. According to Domenico De Solle, the best luxury products are made in Japan. [false]
  6. Gucci is planning to outsource some of its products. [false]
  7. Partizio Bertelli believes that luxury fashion products should always be made in Europe [false]
  8. Amitava chattopadhyay says that companies need to pay careful attention to where they manufacture their products. [true]

  1. Choose the best summary of the article.

  1. Most manufacturers of luxury brands do not wish to produce their goods in low-cost countries because their believe that it will damage their brand image.
  2. Most manufacturers of top brands now produce their goods in low cost countries. Consumers no longer care about where the products are manufactured.
  3. Asian consumers think that European luxury goods are of high quality. The current trend of making such goods in Asia could damage the reputation of these luxury brands.

Language Review

Present simple and present continuous.

The Present simple and Present continuous have several uses.

  • We use the present simple to give factual information, for example about company activities.

Coach outsources all its products.

Does Burberry outsource its products?

  • We use the present simple to talk about routine activities or habits.

I always buy Armani suits. Do you usually buy designer brands?

  • We use the present continuous to talk about ongoing situations and projects.

Sanyo is now reacting to this demand.

  • We use present contiuous to talk about temporary situations.

We are testing a new brand at the moment.

A. Which of the time expressions below do we usually use with the present simple? Always, as a rule, generally, normally, usually, often, never, regularly, sometimes,

seldom, nowadays, when, frequently, every day, now and then, etc

B. Which of the time expressions do we usually use with the present continuous? Now, today, right now, at present, tonight, tomorrow, this afternoon, soon, in a few

days, this morning, etc

Which are used with both?

Usually [Simple present tense]

this year [Simple present continuous tense]

every day [Simple present tense]

now [Simple present continuous tense]

Often [Simple present tense]

Nowadays [Simple present tense and Simple present continuous tense]

once a month [Simple present tense]

Currently [Simple present continuous tense]

at the moment [Simple present continuous tense]

these days [Simple present continuous tense]

  1. Complete these sentences with the present simple or the present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

1.a. This year we trying (try) to develop a brand with personality.

b. We usually develop (develop) brands that say something.

2. a. Powerful brand names create (create) strong costumer loyalty.

b. At the moment we looking (look) for a new brand name that suggests something about the product’s benefits and qualities.

3. a. L’Oreal sells (sell) cosmetics and toiletries to customers around the world.

b. This year L’Oreal investing (invest) over 180£m in R & D.

4. a. The marketing department always keep (keep) within its budget.

b. Because the company made a loss last year, the marketing department try (try) to reduce costs.

  1. Complete the text below with the present simple or present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

At the moment I working (work) for a cosmetics company. We offer a full range of cosmetic products and sell (sell) cosmetics and toiletries around the world. Our main cosmetics brand dominate (dominate) the French market and it doing (do) well in the rest of Europe at the moment, too. In fact, the brand become (become) more and more popular throughout the world and our market share grow (grow) everyday.

We usually develop (develop) and extend (extend) productsunder our existing brand name. The brand is distinctive and stands (stand) out from the competition. However, this year we creating (create) a completely new brand of cosmetics.


Two Promotions

A.Work in pairs. Student A reads case 1 and answers the questions. Student B read Case 2 and answer the questions.

Case 1 : Harley Davidson.

In 2003 the Harley Davidson brand was 100 years old. Although its brand image is based on the spirit of wild and rebellious youth such as Marlon Brando in the film The Wild One (1954), the typical consumer is very different. They are likely to be rich, middle-aged accountants trying to recapture their youth. The average age of Harley Davidson customers is 46 compared with 36 for the rest of the motorbike industry. At the party to celebrate the centenary, the surprise performance was actually Elton John, rather than the Rolling Stones who many people had expected. This caused many of the 150,000 riders and dealers to leave the event very unhappy. Although sales and earnings for Harley Davidson have been increasing for the past 18 years, many people see the trouble on the road ahead. The problem is Harley Davidson’s typical customers from the baby –boom generation (1946 – 1964) and, as these customers get older, Harley Davidson may find its market shrinking.

    1. What is the brand image of Harley Davidson? Brand image is based on the spirit of wild and rebellious youth such as Marlon Brando in the film The Wild One (1954)
    2. Why were many people unhappy about the music at the party? Because, At the party to celebrate the centenary, the surprise performance was actually Elton John, rather than the Rolling Stones who many people had expected.
    3. What problem could have Harley Davidson have in the future? The problem is Harley Davidson’s typical customers from the baby –boom generation (1946 – 1964) and, as these customers get older
    4. What can Harley Davidson fo to preserve it sales? Should it change its brand image? Should it look for a new market segments? Should it stretch its brand? My opinion is Harley Davidson should look for a new market segment

Case 2 : JCB

JCB is a world-famous engineering company. It was founded in 1945 by Joseph Cyril Bamford. He began his business working alone in a small garage. JCB makes construction and agricultural equipment such as tractors, earth-moving vehicles, and loading machines. Now its world headquarters in England is one of the finest engineering factories in Europe. The company produces over 130 different models on four different continents and sells a full range of equipment in over 150 countries. It is truly a global brand.

JCB’s research showed that its customers associated with the company with the following brand values :’yellow,’digger’, and ‘durable’. Adult saw the brand and being functional. Children, on the other hand, saw the brand as ‘big’, ‘muddy’ and ‘fun’. JCB made a decision to stretch its brand.

1. Where does the name JCB come from? JCB come from the name of Joseph Cyril Bamford. He is founded a world-famous engineering company(JCB)

2. What was surprising about JCB’s customer research? JCB’s research showed that its customers associated with the company with the following brand values :’yellow,’digger’, and ‘durable’

3. What sort of products do you think JCB developed as a result of its research? JCB makes construction and agricultural equipment such as tractors, earth-moving vehicles, and loading machines.

  1. Can you think of a similar example of brand-stretching in your country?

Useful Language

Asking for opinions Agreeing Making suggestions

How do you feel about…..? That’s true I think we should….

What do you think? I agree How about… ?

What’s your opinion? Absolutely / exactly Why don’t we … ?

What’s your view? I think so too. Perhaps we could….

Giving opinions Disagreeing

I think……./ I don’t think ……… I see / know what you mean, but….

In my opinion……. I’m afraid I can’t agree

Maybe, but…



A. Answer these questions individually. Then compare your answers with a partner.

  1. How often do you travel by air, road and sea? I often travel by the road.
  2. What do you enjoy about traveling? What don’t you enjoy? I enjoy my travelling because I will know a lot of new place, so I have new experience from my travelling. I don’t enjoy my travelling because I had a worst experience from some place i trip before
  3. Put the following in order of importance to you when you travel?

Comfort safety price reliability speed

    1. safety
    2. comtort
    3. price
    4. realibility
    5. speed

  1. Does the order change for different types of travel? Yes, It does

B. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the following list of things which irritate people when flying.

Seats trolleys queues luggage

Room cancellations food jet

  1. Not enough leg trolleys
  2. lost or delayed seats
  3. long queues at check in
  4. poor quality foad and drink
  5. no baggage room available.
  6. overbooking of luaggage
  7. flight delays and cancellations
  8. jet -lag


British and American English

A. Match the words and phrases below which have the same meaning. For each pair decide which is British English and which is American English.

  1. subway a. motorway [ 6 ]
  2. city centre b. lift [ 8 ]
  3. carry-on baggage c. public toilet [ 7 ]
  4. one way d. schedule [ 10 ]
  5. return e. economy class.[ 9 ]
  6. freeway f. single [ 4 ]
  7. rest room g. parking lot [ 11 ]
  8. elevator h. underground [ 1 ]
  9. coach class i. hand luggage [ 3 ]
  10. timetable j. round trip [ 5 ]
  11. car park k. downtown.[ 2 ]

B.Work in pairs. Use words or phrases in American English from exercise A to complete the text below.

My last overseas business trip was a nightmare from start to finish. First of all there was a delay on the way to the airport as there was an accident on the motorway When I got there I found the lower level of the airport underground was flooded. Next my hand luggage. was closed and there were no cabs at all. After long time trying to read the schedule and waiting for forty minutes, we finally got a bus economy class and found the hotel, but the lift wasn’t working and our rooms were on the fifth floor.


Air Rage

A. Answer these questions before you read the article.

1, What was your worst experience when traveling by air? I don’t worst experience when travelling by air, because I have never travelling by air

2. Why do some people get angry when they are traveling on a plane? Because the flight

often was a delay, a cancellations, and service from the flight company not satisfy

Road ragers in the sky

By Derek Brown

Airlines and their long-suffering customers are reporting a steep climb in air rage incidents. Some incidents are apparently caused by problems which are familiar to many regular travellers. One case reported from America stemmed from an interminable delay in takeoff, when passangers were cooped up in their aircraft on the tarmac or our hours, without food, drink or information. Mass unrest is less common the individual misbehaviour, as in the case of the convict who recently went crazy on a flight, attacked the crew and tried to open the door in mind flight.

The psychology of air rage is a new are o study, and there are almost as many explanations as examples. Most analysis of the phenomenon blame alcohol, but many people now think that the airlines are at fault. To cut costs, they are cramming ever more passangers into their aircraft, while reducing cabin crew, training, and quality of service, all o which increase passenger frustration. In addition, there are increasing concern in the US about another cost-cutting exercise, which could seriously harm passengers’ health: cabin ventilation.

I. Modern aircraft are equipped with sophisticated air conditioning devices – but running them at.optimum capacity burns up valuable aviation fuel. Many airlines routinely instruct their flight crews to run the systems on minimum settings. Champaignes for improved air quality claim that this can lead to irritability and disorientation.

In the US, the soaring number of passenger complaints across a wide range of issues is reflected in a number of new internet sites which criticize the airline and demand better service. One of the sites is demanding an air passengers’ Bill of Rights.

Cabin and flight crews, who are in the front line of the battle against disruptive and dangerous in-flight behaviour, have called for stiffer penalties against the offenders. Management have also called or legislation – while denying that its cost-cutting practices have contributed to the problem. But there are some signs, in the US at least, that the airlines are at last attempting to respond to customer dissatisfaction. Some major lines have announced concessions to the most frequent complaint for all, and are removing seats to make more room for their customers.




1 A.I’m really sorry,I can’t take you to the station .Something has just come up

B.Oh,don’t worry,I will take (take) a taxi

2 A.We’ve chosen a name four new low-cost airline

B.Really,What will you call (you/call) it?

3 A.Have you decided how to increase the number of passengers?

B.Yes,we going to offer (offer) a family discount at weekends.

4 A.I can’t send an e-mail to the travel agent;my computer’s just crashe

B.Write down your details and I will fax (fax) them over for you.

5 A.How’s your daughter?

B.She’s fine.She going to learn (learn) to be a pilot for the flying doctor service next




1.His flight arrives at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.

2.We’re staying at the Hilton Hotel for next month’s sales conference.

3.The next seminar is begins at 3 p.m

4.I am travelling by train from Paris to London next time.

5.The boat is departs at midday so you have the whole morning to get ready.

6.The delegation from China are seeing the Chairman the following Monday



1.I’m sorry,I can’t attend the sales meeting tomorrow, iam going to go chek my teeth.

2.The marketing department have decided on their travel plans for the next month, they are going to go to the beach.

3.The trains are delayed because of bad weather,so Iam going to the restaurant near the station to eat

4.Don’t worry if you can’t drive me to airport, I will use the taxi.

5.I’ve got the details of your flight to Turkey,I will get the detail

6.Oh,no!There’s been an accident and the traffic is very crowded

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Seorang wanita yang sangat jatuh cinta kepada keajaiban skin care. Percaya bahwa setiap wanita itu cantik! Makeup holic dan sangan mencintai semua tentang beauty


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